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Migration to the new ZT controller

Creation date: 7/15/2024 6:54 AM    Updated: 7/15/2024 6:54 AM   anycast controller migration
On the 15th of July, 2024, 0800 CET we migrated to the new, self-hosted controller.
If you haven't migrated yet, please follow the steps below

1. join our new controller 

zerotier-cli join a80b1461811046f2

2. restart your ZT client or re-apply the outgoing traffic rule for ex.:

ip -4 route add default via <router IPv4 address> table anycast

3. verify that the traffic flows as expected by pinging your anycast IP or using external tools such as ping.pe

4. leave the old controller

zerotier-cli leave 6ab565387a056897

Do not hesitate to contact our support by opening the ticket.