Welcome to our new support center! We are doing our best to integrate all of our documentation in a single place for your convenience. If you have any suggestions or ideas do not hesitate to contact us.

Initial setup and configuration

Creation date: 6/27/2024 10:16 AM    Updated: 7/15/2024 5:58 AM    anycast

Connect to AnycastIP

Note: connecting to Rage4 AnycastIP requires system and network administration skills.

1. AnycastIP requires ZeroTier client installed. Please follow ZeroTier documentation on how to install it on your desired platform.

2. After the ZeroTier client installation, download our setup script by running the following command

3. Before connecting your server to AnycastIP, you will need the following details available in our control panel

  • Rage4 username (email address)
  • Rage4 API key
  • AnycastIP network AS number
  • AnycastIP region code (see Locations)

4. To connect, please execute the setup script with arguments from step #3

bash ./connect2anycast.sh -u <Rage4 username> -p <Rage4 API key> -a <AnycastIP AS number> -r <AnycastIP region code>

5. Once connected, your server should be visible in the control panel

Note: if you want to join our network manually, use the following network address a80b1461811046f2

Establish BGP session and configure routing

To use the anycast addresses, you need to establish a BGP session. A specific node can be connected to a single AnycastIP router (IPv4 and IPv6 session) at a given time. You can have multiple nodes per region - all our routers support ECMP.

1. Install desired routing software (for example, FRRouting, BIRD, Quagga, ExaBGP etc.)

2. Get the IP addresses of our router in the given region (see below) and configure BGP sessions using the following details

  • Remote AS number: 198412
  • BGP multihop: 25
  • Local AS number: available via the control panel
  • Password: available via the control panel

3. Start the sessions, and wait around 5-10 minutes for our configuration to auto-adjust

4. Create the interface of type "dummy" and assign your anycast IP to it

ip link add dummy0 type dummy
ip link set dummy0 up
ip -4 addr add dev dummy0 <anycast IPv4 address>/32
ip -6 addr add dev dummy0 <anycast IPv6 address>/128

Before announcing your anycast subnets, please configure the reverse routing

echo '666       anycast' >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
ip -4 rule add from <anycast IPv4 address>/32 table anycast
ip -4 route add default via <router IPv4 address> table anycast
ip -6 rule add from <anycast IPv6 address>/128 table anycast
ip -6 route add default via <router IPv6 address> table anycast`

5. Add announcement of given anycast addresses to your BGP configuration